
Friday 6 July 2012

Let's take a tour

Hi there! How are you? Aren't you glad that the weekend is approaching?! Can't say I am looking forward to the weekend as hubby is out of town on a business trip, so it is just sonny boy and me at home.

I had expected to get a lot of crochet done as DH was away and sonny is happy with any one dish meal I can conjure up at the last minute. But sadly that did not happen, due to sundry aches and pains I had through out the week. 
Never mind, I will share one of my lovely books with you today.

So, get ready for the tour of "Crochet Mesh". This is a lovely book by Ondori and I just loved it the moment I laid eyes on it. There was a slight hesitation to buy it due to the high cost, but I am the kind who will gladly sacrifice a new outfit for a gorgeous new book so now the book stands proudly on my book shelf. Have I mentioned earlier that books make my mouth water and that I get goose pimples whenever I turn the crisp pages of a new book, and oh... that lovely smell of a fresh book.  Ok, ok I know, too much blah blah.....let's get on with it.

Ondori Crochet Mesh

This doily is the first one I tried from the book. It looked deceptively simple but gosh it was quite complicated. The last few rows required a lot of fastening off and joining thread and if there is one thing I hate to do it is weaving in the ends. So I was relieved to complete this one.

Here is the end result. It has survived years of use and washing and now I don't even bother to block it, poor thing.

The next doily or should I say centerpiece is what I attempted next. Today when I see it, I can't imagine how I actually managed to complete it.  You see I am notorious for accumulating WIPs and normally I have 6 to 7 projects going on at a time. Yeah... sometimes I do manage to get some of them done and sometimes I keep them pending just to remind myself that I am alive and I still have a lot to do!! Did that make any sense to you?

 Ta da, here is my masterpiece. As usual, too lazy to block it. Do you think it looks like the original? I would love to hear your opinion.

 Here are a few more pages from the book. Projects that I hope to make some time in the future, like these lovely cushions.

These cushions are lovely too, don't you think so?

This bedspread is one page that I love to open often and just stare at longingly. I wonder if one lifetime will be adequate to finish making it. Maybe a group effort with the ladies in the family might do the trick. Sadly, that is so not happening!

These coasters look cute.

When I was in my hometown Mumbai I used to conduct crochet classes from home and the runner on the next page was made by one of my  students but I don't have any photo of the finished piece :(


This runner with roses is definitely tempting.

Don't you just love the cats on the piano cover?

The next photo is not very clear but I added it anyway.

I hope you enjoyed the tour through Meshland. I do like filet crochet as it requires only chains and dcs and does not call for clusters, popcorns, pineapples or any other edibles!! But I think sometimes the designs are too subtle and do not stand out against the mesh. And in that sense I feel filet crochet can be tricky at times.

I hope I complete my Phd (Projects Half Done) soon and have something to share with you the next time. 

Till then, lotsa luv. Have a great weekend and do write to me. 

Friday 29 June 2012

A Hearty Welcome

What with becoming a blogger, starting a new blog, debating about my style of writing and trying to get good photos, I just realised that I have been remiss as a host. A casual glance at the sidebar showed me that I now had 25 followers! And I had never taken the time to greet them.

So today I would like to extend a hearty welcome to all my friends on Google connect. Trust me, I have visited each one of you and enjoyed your blogs (sometimes with help from Google Translate). I also enjoy reading your comments on my blog and really look forward to them. Do keep writing in and let us keep visiting and chatting.

Also a warm welcome to all my readers and visitors. 

If anybody has suggestions about how I can improve my blog, I would certainly love to hear them. At present I am doing up my blog in a trial and error, learn as you go method...LOL. There are many things that I have still not tried and there is so much to learn.

Until I became a blogger, I had no idea about Google connect and "Following". I would bookmark my fave blogs, so you can imagine what a huge bookmark list I had. Once I understood what it meant I promptly "joined" all my favourite blogs. Now it is so easy and so much fun to be up to date on their blog activities. But on a personal note, I had never expected to have so many friends and that too, so soon. I am absolutely thrilled. Having moved to a new city, I really missed my friends back home. Not anymore, my virtual friends bring me so much joy. Plus I have managed to contact a couple of my bloggy friends personally!! Isn't that just great.

Thank you friends for making me feel welcome.

What?!... a post without crochet. How is that possible? 

This is what I am currently working on. 

This is my own design and I will reveal it to you if it works out right.  No, don't worry no guessing games this time. But, I will give you a hint - this item is for my dear hubby, that is if it turns out to be okay. Wish me luck.

Bye for now, Take care.
Love xxx

Monday 25 June 2012

It's a .....

Hello there, I hope you are having a lovely day today (did I hear someone say Monday blues?). I spent the Sunday gorging on lovely ripe golden Alphonso mangoes. I guess I went a little overboard, but the desperation comes from knowing the fact that they will soon be gone! And then will come the long wait of 9-10 months for the next mango season. Oh well, good things come to those who wait.

Let me thank all of you who waited for me to reveal my new project.

Actually it is not something grand, it is a simple pin cushion.

I am not very good at sewing and my sewing machine is used only for mending clothes and maybe hemming new towels and seaming store bought garments. So it is not like I really need a pin cushion. 

But for my last project - the pen tablet cover I was using these pins  for sewing the lining. Every time I was done using a pin I would carefully put it back in the holder, you know those round discs, so that it was not lying around ready to poke anyone. 

And each time I had to put them back in colour coded manner (yes, I am crazy like that), hence my sewing was moving at a very slow pace. So I thought of making a pin cushion and of had to be a crocheted one. 

I am totally in love with the hexagon motif which I am using for my Hexagon Blanket so I decided to use the same motif and join them to form the pin cushion. I needed eight hexagons for it and I used the join-as-you-go method to make it. I have used Bliss knitting cotton and a 2.50 mm hook.

Do you like my pin cushion? Do let me know!

And now, let me digress. Today morning I had a visitor ..... of the feathered kind.

This is the Common Indian Myna and it belongs to the Starling family of birds. Mynas are  regarded as symbols of undying love, because they often pair for life. Upon googling for more info I was saddened to know that they are considered a nuisance for various reasons but I will not go into them today.

Bye for now...see you soon.
Love xxx


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