Crochetkari: award
Showing posts with label award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label award. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 February 2013

I am a Cutie Pie!

Ahem... that is not me, but my blog that is a Premio Cutie Pie!! I received a message from the wonderful M.J. at Lots of Crochet Stitches passing on the Premio Cutie Pie Award to my blog.

Isn't that a super cute pic! Thank you M.J.

If you are really into crochet, you must visit M.J. Her blog is a veritable treasure house of crochet stitches, techniques and tutorials. She always comes up with something new almost on a daily basis. She is not only a talented crocheter but also a versatile blogger and manages three other blogs as well.

And now I have to pass on the award to five other blogs which I think are cute. Easy peasy. The five blogs I have chosen, in addition to being cute, also have something special about them. So here goes...

Diaper Mum by Rajeswari - for her lovely crafty projects and sharing pics of her two cuties.

T's Daily Treasures by Tammy - for her sunny disposition and finding joy in all the simple things in life.

Runner Girl in the Kitchen by Gauri - for sharing her low cal recipes, her running exploits and weight loss efforts. (Maybe one day it will motivate me to get off my butt and actually start walking!)  ;)

Lacy Crochet by Olga - for her genteel writing and gorgeous photos.

Cozy Things by Kristen - for her fun writing style and her great projects which show her expertise in the crafts of knitting and crochet.

That was fun, I think I will add a few more names later. I hope my nominees enjoy the award.

Well. it is mid week, so be happy that the weekend is nearing. Enjoy the rest of the week. Happy crafting. 
I am working on a purse and hope to share it with you soon.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Awards and Pies

Hello dear friends. How are you? I hope you are enjoying a fabulous weekend. We had a fun time celebrating the kite festival during the week, which is an important event in Ahmedabad.

My posts are getting further apart. And I can only plead TMI. TMI = Too much information. The internet gives us easy and quick access to so many things at a time. I have been flitting from site to site, greedily downloading patterns and wanting to do it all at once. The reason I have not completed any WIP or posted anything is that I seem to have my finger in too many pies.

This pic will give you an idea... :-)
So, as you can see, lot of things going on but nothing near completion.

I did say that 2013 has begun in a great way for me and now I have some more good news. I was surprised to see a message from Rajeswari at Diapermum nominating me for the Liebster Award. Now that made me very happy. It is these little unexpected surprises that bring joy to blogging. The fact that someone somewhere is thinking of you, liking your blog and also making the effort to actually pass on the award to you.

So, you can imagine my utter delight and amazement when within a few days I received another message, this time from Shikha at I Love Handmade awarding me the Liebster Award again!!!  :-)  I was thrilled, two awards in one week. 
Thank You, Rajeswari and Shikha. Then how come I was so quite up until now?

Well, you see "With Great Awards comes Great Responsibility". (Hehe...sorry, just could not resist slipping that in.) But the fact is that the awards come along with a list of tasks and as I was a bit scattered last week I could not do justice to it. But fear not I will be tackling them soon.

I am so disappointed at having missed the "Grow your blog" party at 2 bags full. It would have been a great opportunity to make new friends and of course increase my own readership. But I will certainly visit most of the 400 bloggers who DID participate.

Now off I go to do my award duties ie: draw up a list of my award nominees and frame eleven (hopefully sensible) questions. I have moved the awards to a separate page in a bid to keep the homepage tidy. As far as answering the questions posed by Rajeswari and Shikha, I am thinking of doing that on an "About Me" page. After eight months as a blogger I also think it is time for my readers to know a little more about me. Do you think that is a good idea? Do let me know.

I would love to know what you have been up to during the weekend (only the crafty things of course and not the naughty ones...hehe)   ;-)
Take care and happy crafting.

Love xxx

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Lavender Stars

I am so excited, Amanda from Crafty in the Med has awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award. 

 This is my second award and I am thrilled that she likes my blog as I just Love hers. It is certainly a warm feeling to know that somebody so far away is thinking of you! I will soon get down to nominating my favorite blogs.

A warm welcome to Goty and Daiana from El Crochet de Daiana. Daiana has some lovely dainty crochet items on her blog.

Don't you think Google Translate brings us closer to each other?  It is fun to translate and read blogs in so many different languages.

And now...continuing with my favourite topic - coasters. As crockery is available in different styles, colours and shapes, I thought why not use an unusual colour and design for my coasters. So ta-da, here are my Lavender Stars!

I have used Bliss Knitting cotton again.

I think they look kinda cute.

The five-pointed star was my favourite doodle during boring college lectures. It can still be found in some corner of my diary, my recipe book, even my grocery list. Give me a pen and the star is the first thing I doodle. Maybe that is why I liked this pattern.

Do you like them or do you think they look quaint?

Have a nice day!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Liebster Blog Award

I was pleasantly surprised to see that I have been awarded the Liebster Blog Award by Mira of Mira's Talent Gallery.

I accept it gratefully (gleefully). Many thanks dear Mira. I am so thrilled....(blush,blush), I was not expecting an award so soon.

The origins of the Liebster Blog award are somewhat unclear but the general consensus is that it originated in Germany, "Liebster" meaning favorite or dearest, to showcase bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. Upon accepting the award the recipient must then pass it on to five more blogs of note.

Here are the rules:
1- Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to which you award the Liebster. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.

2- Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

3-Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites

Here are my nominees for the Liebster Blog Award:
1. Uma from Creative Mau. Uma dabbles in a lot of crafts including crochet and I just love her lamasa work.

2. Lisa from My world of crochet who has a crochet blog in German. I like Lisa's crochet work which is very neat and her posts about life in general.

3. Mousumi from Love for Krafts. Mousumi is a true crafter and has varied interests like candle making, claywork and crochet.

4. Rajeshwari of Diaper Mum. Rajeshwari has a lovely choice of colour plus I like the little glimpses she gives us into her life.

5. Monali from Delta-Zelta. Monali makes the cutest amigurumi.

Congratulations to all!

And thank you Mira, once again for the honour. Mira is a versatile crafter and one could be lost in her blog for hours. I especially like her kolam designs and Twilight hours.

Well, off I go to bask in the glory of the award. Have a nice day. See you soon.
Love :)


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