Crochetkari: Crochet Bella Cowl Free Pattern

Sunday 1 May 2022

Crochet Bella Cowl Free Pattern

Namaste Friends 🙏.

Hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.

In this post, I have a free cowl pattern for you.
It is the Bella cowl, named after my BFF from childhood Bela (that's how she spells it).
We have been besties since the fifth grade!! 

The Bella cowl is a wonderful scrap-buster and will put to use all those little balls of your favourite yarn that you have been hoarding. 
You can make it in a single colour or use three colours like I have in this pic.

crochet bella cowl pattern

Here is one more colour combination.
For the pink cowl, I used around 30 gms of White (colour A), 40 gms of watermelon pink (colour B), and 25 gms of variegated Peach (colour C).

free Bella cowl crochet pattern

And you can also make it in a single colour like so;

The Bella crochet cowl

The salmon coloured cowl looks slightly different as I had used a different border pattern, but it looked like too much texture going on, so I decided to keep it simple.
This lovely stitch pattern can be used for a scarf/shawl. 

A bag with this stitch pattern would look gorgeous! 😍

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you.

So here goes the Bella Cowl pattern:

Skill Level:  Easy.

Size:      The pink cowl measures 8" wide and 32" around (20 cms by 82 cms) approx. 



This pattern uses US terminology.

The cowl is worked in the round without turning.  

Ch 4 at beg of the round counts as 1dc and 1ch.

Ch 5 at beg of the round counts as 1dc and 2ch.       

The pattern needs multiples of 3                 


beg – beginning,

ch - chain,

st – stitch,

sp – space,

sl st – slip stitch,

dc – double crochet,

yo – yarn over hook

cl - cluster

beg cl - beginning cluster

3dc cl - 3 double crochet cluster

X - st - Cross stitch or X stitch

Pattern Stitches:

Beg cl:  Ch 2, dc2tog into same st as sl st counts as 1st cluster or Beg cl. Round 5 starts with a Beg Cl.

3dc cl:  - Into the space indicated, yo, insert hook in sp, yo, pull through st, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, (yo, insert hook in same sp, yo, pull through, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook) twice, yo, pull through all 4 loops on hook.

X-st: - Dc in st indicated, ch 1, then dc in 2nd stitch to the RIGHT of the 1st dc (the 1st st to the Right is left unworked). One X-st is completed.

You may find THIS tutorial helpful, just remember that my pattern has a chain in between the Dcs.


Round 1: With colour A - Ch 150, join with sl st in 1st ch to form a ring. Ch 1, sc in same st as sl st, sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc. (150 sc)

Round 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as sl st, sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc. (150 sc)

Round 3: Repeat Round 2.

Round 4: With colour B - Attach yarn with sl st in any st close to the last st of Round 3. Ch4, dc in 2nd st to the RIGHT of the ch-4, (the first st to the Right is left unworked). One X-st done. * sk 2, dc in next st, ch 1, dc in 2nd st to the right, rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-4.  (50 X-sts).

Round 5: With colour C - Attach yarn with sl st in a ch-1 sp, work (ch2, dc2tog) in same sp, ch 3, * sk 2, cl in next ch-1 sp, ch 3, rep from * around, join with sl st in 1st cl.  (50 cl).

Round 6: With colour B - Attach yarn with sl st in a ch-3 sp, ch 4, dc in previous ch-3 sp to the RIGHT - X-st completed, * sk cl, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, dc in prev ch-3 sp, rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-4.  (50 X-sts). 

Bella cowl detail 1

Round 7: With colour A - Attach yarn with sl st in a ch-1 sp of an X-st, ch 5, sk 2, * dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, sk 2, rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-5.  (50 dc).

Bella cowl detail 2

Round 8: With colour B - Attach yarn with sl st in a ch-2 sp, ch 4, dc in previous ch-2 sp to the RIGHT - Beg X-st completed, * sk next dc, dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, dc in previous ch-1 sp to the RIGHT - X_st done, rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-4.  (50 X-sts).

Bella cowl detail 3

Round 9: With colour C - Rep Round 5.

Round 10: With colour B - Rep Round 6.

Round 11: With colour A - Rep Round 7.

Round 12: With colour B - Rep Round 8.

Round 13: With colour C - Rep Round 5.

Round 14: With colour B - Rep Round 6.

Rounds 15 to 18: Rep Rounds 11 to 14.

Round 19: With colour A - Ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each st around, join with sl st in 1st sc. (150 sc).

Rounds 20 and 21: Rep Round 2.

Bella crochet cowl blue

To make the cowl wider repeat Rounds 15 to 18 as many times as you desire. And to make it longer just add chains in multiples of 3 in Round 1.

For the blue cowl, I started the pattern with a Dc round and not an X-st round, so as you can see it looks slightly different.

My crochet classes kept me really busy as it is vacation time here in Mumbai.

Also, I have signed up for Sanskrit classes which leaves me with little time for blogging. 

If you find a mistake in the pattern above please be a dear and let me know. :)

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you. 

Hope you enjoy making the Bella Cowl. 

Thank you for your time.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop and also to contact me for private crochet coaching sessions from anywhere in the world! 😀

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