Crochetkari: cowl
Showing posts with label cowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cowl. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Cardamom Blossoms Cowl Free Crochet Pattern

Namaste friends 🙏,

How was the National Crochet Month for you? 
Did you crochet a new project or try a new crochet technique?

I decided to do something different this time, so rather than crocheting, I organised my yarn stash. The sheer amount of yarn I had accumulated over the years was mind-boggling!!

Now I understood the frequent lamentations from the Fam "Oh God, there's yarn everywhere in this house!". I am wondering if I will ever be able to crochet through the stash...

Do you know there is a name for this condition? It is called SABLE ie: "Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy". I guess I will have to crochet even faster, shoulder pain notwithstanding. 

I have a new cowl pattern today, which I wanted to release last month but the above activity kept me busy.

free crochet pattern cardamom cowl

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you. *

The Name:

There was a time when crochet was very popular in India, and every household had at least a couple of crochet pieces made by the Grandmother or Great Grandmother. 
The art of crochet had different names in different languages, and even the different stitches have weird names. 
For eg: In Marathi, the language spoken in my home state Maharashtra, a literal translation of Single crochet is "Mute post". 
The Puff stitch was called "Velchi" or Cardamom because it does look like a cardamom pod. 

As this pattern had a lot of puff stitches I wanted to add the word in the name. And while I was looking up some pics of the plant I saw that my pattern does resemble the actual flower, hence Cardamom Blossoms Cowl. 
Yes, I can be weird at times, and my family will vouch for that. 😁

This pattern makes a great stash buster!

crochet cowl free pattern

Do not despair if, like me, you like in a tropical climate and will never be needing a cowl. 
This pattern is worked in the round, is seamless and would work wonderfully for a bag/purse.
If you need any help in making the bag just write to me.

So here goes the Cardamom Blossoms Cowl pattern:

Skill Level:    Easy                    

Size:  Cowl measures approximately 28 inches around and  9 inches 
          (71 cms by 23 cms).

·        Yarn - DK weight yarn* around  110 gms/ approx. 3.90 oz (55 gms of each colour)  
·        Hooks - US G/6 (4.00 mm),* UK 8

Gauge:  11 rows and Two and half motifs in pattern  = 4".
·        This pattern uses US terminology.
·        Ch 2 at beginning of the round counts as stitch.  
.        Ch 1 at beginning of the round does NOT count as a stitch.        
·        The pattern is worked in multiples of 8.

beg – beginning,  
ch - chain,  
st - stitch,
sk - skip
sp - space
sl st - slip stitch
nxt - next,
sc – single crochet,
dc – double crochet,
hdc - half double crochet,
puff stitch - hdc3tog,
beg puff st - beginning puff st,
puff v-st - puff v-stitch
Shell st - (3dc, ch1, 3dc) in space indicated
beg shell st - beginning shell stitch,
rep – repeat

Pattern Stitches:
Beg Puff stitch - Into the stitch indicated work (ch2, hdc2tog).

Beg shell stitch - Into the space indicated work (ch3, 2 dc, ch 1, 3 dc).

Puff V-st - Into the stitch indicated work (puff st, ch 1, puff st).


Round 1: (Colour A) Ch 136, join in 1st ch with a sl st, ch2, hdc in nxt ch and each ch around (136 hdc).

Round 2: Ch 2, hdc2tog in same st, ch 1, sk 1, * puff st in nxt st, ch 1, sk 1, rep from * around ending with sl st into 1st hdc2tog.

Free crochet cowl pattern

Round 3: Ch 1, hdc in same st, hdc in ch-1 sp, * hdc in puff st, hdc in ch-1 sp, rep from * around ending with sl st in 1st hdc (136 hdc).

Cardamom blossoms cowl pattern

Round 4: (Colour B) Attach yarn with sc into 1st hdc below, * ch 1, sk 3, shell in nxt st, ch 1, sk 3, sc in nxt st, rep from * around ending with sl st in 1st sc (17 shells).

Crochet cowl cardamom blossoms

Round 5: (Colour A) Beg puff v-st in sc, ch 2, sk 1 ch, sk 3dc, sc in ch-1 sp (in centre of shell), ch 2, sk 3dc, sk ch 1, * puff v-st in sc below, ch 2, sk ch, sk 3dc, sc in ch-1 sp, ch 2, sk 3dc, sk ch 1, rep from * ending with sl st in 1st puff st.

Round 6: (Colour B) Beg shell in centre of puff v-st, ch 1, sk 2 ch, sc in sc below, ch 1, sk 2 ch, * shell in centre of puff v-st, ch 1, sk 2ch, sc in nxt st, ch 1, sk 2ch, rep from * around ending with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch 3.

Round 7: (Colour A) * sc in ch-1 sp of shell, ch 2, sk 3dc, sk ch, puff v-st in sc, ch 2, sk ch1, sk 3dc, rep from * around ending with sl st in 1st sc. 

Round 8:  Repeat Round 6.

free crochet cowl pattern

Round 9: Repeat Round 5.

Rounds 10 to 19: Repeat Rounds 6 and 5

OR repeat Rounds 6 and 5 till you get the desired width, taking care to end with Round 5 ie the round with the puff v-sts.

cardamom blossoms free cowl pattern

Round 20: Repeat Round 6. Fasten off and weave in the end.

Round 21: Repeat Round 5. 

Round 22: (Colour A) Ch 2 (counts as hdc), * hdc in ch-1 sp, hdc in puff st, 2 hdc in ch-2 sp, hdc in sc, 2 hdc in ch-2 sp, hdc in puff st, rep from * around ending with sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch 2.

Round 23: Repeat Round 2.

Round 24: Repeat Round 3. Fasten off and weave in the end.

Crochet Tip: When working in the round with two or more colours, I prefer to fasten off the yarn without cutting it off and then pick it up when it is required. This works best for projects that are not reversible. Here's a pic that shows the wrong side of my Harmony cowl.

You can find the free pattern for the Harmony cowl HERE. 

I hope you will try this pattern. And maybe have a cup of cardamom tea while you are at it.

Thank you for your time.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop, and also to contact me for private crochet coaching sessions from anywhere in the world! 😀

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you.* 

Would you like a bag pattern using this stitch? Do let me know.

Sunday 1 May 2022

Crochet Bella Cowl Free Pattern

Namaste Friends 🙏.

Hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.

In this post, I have a free cowl pattern for you.
It is the Bella cowl, named after my BFF from childhood Bela (that's how she spells it).
We have been besties since the fifth grade!! 

The Bella cowl is a wonderful scrap-buster and will put to use all those little balls of your favourite yarn that you have been hoarding. 
You can make it in a single colour or use three colours like I have in this pic.

crochet bella cowl pattern

Here is one more colour combination.
For the pink cowl, I used around 30 gms of White (colour A), 40 gms of watermelon pink (colour B), and 25 gms of variegated Peach (colour C).

free Bella cowl crochet pattern

And you can also make it in a single colour like so;

The Bella crochet cowl

The salmon coloured cowl looks slightly different as I had used a different border pattern, but it looked like too much texture going on, so I decided to keep it simple.
This lovely stitch pattern can be used for a scarf/shawl. 

A bag with this stitch pattern would look gorgeous! 😍

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you.

So here goes the Bella Cowl pattern:

Skill Level:  Easy.

Size:      The pink cowl measures 8" wide and 32" around (20 cms by 82 cms) approx. 



This pattern uses US terminology.

The cowl is worked in the round without turning.  

Ch 4 at beg of the round counts as 1dc and 1ch.

Ch 5 at beg of the round counts as 1dc and 2ch.       

The pattern needs multiples of 3                 


beg – beginning,

ch - chain,

st – stitch,

sp – space,

sl st – slip stitch,

dc – double crochet,

yo – yarn over hook

cl - cluster

beg cl - beginning cluster

3dc cl - 3 double crochet cluster

X - st - Cross stitch or X stitch

Pattern Stitches:

Beg cl:  Ch 2, dc2tog into same st as sl st counts as 1st cluster or Beg cl. Round 5 starts with a Beg Cl.

3dc cl:  - Into the space indicated, yo, insert hook in sp, yo, pull through st, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, (yo, insert hook in same sp, yo, pull through, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook) twice, yo, pull through all 4 loops on hook.

X-st: - Dc in st indicated, ch 1, then dc in 2nd stitch to the RIGHT of the 1st dc (the 1st st to the Right is left unworked). One X-st is completed.

You may find THIS tutorial helpful, just remember that my pattern has a chain in between the Dcs.


Round 1: With colour A - Ch 150, join with sl st in 1st ch to form a ring. Ch 1, sc in same st as sl st, sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc. (150 sc)

Round 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as sl st, sc in each st around, join with sl st in first sc. (150 sc)

Round 3: Repeat Round 2.

Round 4: With colour B - Attach yarn with sl st in any st close to the last st of Round 3. Ch4, dc in 2nd st to the RIGHT of the ch-4, (the first st to the Right is left unworked). One X-st done. * sk 2, dc in next st, ch 1, dc in 2nd st to the right, rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-4.  (50 X-sts).

Round 5: With colour C - Attach yarn with sl st in a ch-1 sp, work (ch2, dc2tog) in same sp, ch 3, * sk 2, cl in next ch-1 sp, ch 3, rep from * around, join with sl st in 1st cl.  (50 cl).

Round 6: With colour B - Attach yarn with sl st in a ch-3 sp, ch 4, dc in previous ch-3 sp to the RIGHT - X-st completed, * sk cl, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, dc in prev ch-3 sp, rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-4.  (50 X-sts). 

Bella cowl detail 1

Round 7: With colour A - Attach yarn with sl st in a ch-1 sp of an X-st, ch 5, sk 2, * dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, sk 2, rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-5.  (50 dc).

Bella cowl detail 2

Round 8: With colour B - Attach yarn with sl st in a ch-2 sp, ch 4, dc in previous ch-2 sp to the RIGHT - Beg X-st completed, * sk next dc, dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, dc in previous ch-1 sp to the RIGHT - X_st done, rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-4.  (50 X-sts).

Bella cowl detail 3

Round 9: With colour C - Rep Round 5.

Round 10: With colour B - Rep Round 6.

Round 11: With colour A - Rep Round 7.

Round 12: With colour B - Rep Round 8.

Round 13: With colour C - Rep Round 5.

Round 14: With colour B - Rep Round 6.

Rounds 15 to 18: Rep Rounds 11 to 14.

Round 19: With colour A - Ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each st around, join with sl st in 1st sc. (150 sc).

Rounds 20 and 21: Rep Round 2.

Bella crochet cowl blue

To make the cowl wider repeat Rounds 15 to 18 as many times as you desire. And to make it longer just add chains in multiples of 3 in Round 1.

For the blue cowl, I started the pattern with a Dc round and not an X-st round, so as you can see it looks slightly different.

My crochet classes kept me really busy as it is vacation time here in Mumbai.

Also, I have signed up for Sanskrit classes which leaves me with little time for blogging. 

If you find a mistake in the pattern above please be a dear and let me know. :)

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you. 

Hope you enjoy making the Bella Cowl. 

Thank you for your time.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop and also to contact me for private crochet coaching sessions from anywhere in the world! 😀

Saturday 19 June 2021

Flowers in my Window Cowl Free Crochet Pattern

Namaste friends,🙏

I hope you and your loved ones are fine and in good health.

In the last few weeks if you tried reaching my blog via Pinterest or Instagram, and couldn’t get through, I apologize for that.

It was a domain level issue (affecting thousands of people), and I could only wait and watch while the domain name was transferred from the old registrar to the new one by the concerned authorities.

But now my blog is up and running and I am so relieved!

In the previous post, I discussed Four ways to work into a crochet stitch, if you are a beginner crocheter you may want to check it out.

The next post was to be How to crochet Post Stitches but instead, I have a free pattern for you.

Crochet helped me immensely during the lockdowns in India, so I decided to release a few of my paid patterns on the blog. I hope these patterns help you get through these difficult times.

Today’s pattern is the “Flowers in my Window” cowl. You can read all about how this cowl idea was born HERE.

crochet flower cowl pattern

The print-friendly pattern pdf is available on,




The stitch pattern I used is actually worked to and fro in rows, and I have modified it to work in the round making it seamless.

I have used a DK weight yarn but you can use a thinner or a slightly thicker yarn. Stick to light and medium colours as dark shades may not show off the stitch pattern. Also, remember to change your hook size according to the yarn.

free crochet cowl pattern

Flowers in my window Crochet cowl pattern

Skill Level:  

Size: Cowl measures approximately 40 inches around and 10 inches

wide ( 102 cms by 26 cms).


Gauge: Centres of the flowers are approximately 4” (10cms) apart horizontally.


  • This pattern uses US terminology.

  • The cowl is worked in the round without turning.

  • Ch 1 does not count as a stitch.

  • The pattern is worked in multiples of 16.


beg – beginning,

ch - chain,

st – stitch, sl st – slip stitch,

sp – space, yo – yarn over hook,

sc – single crochet,

dc – double crochet,

tr – treble crochet, tog – together,

fsc – foundation single crochet,

2trtog – 2 trebles together

3trtog – 3 trebles together

Pattern stitches:

Fsc: Foundation Single Crochet - Ch 2, insert hook in 2nd chain from hook, yo and pull up a loop (2 loops on hook), yo and draw through 1 loop (1 chain made), yo and draw through both loops on hook—(1 foundation sc made). *Yo, insert hook under the 2 loops of the “chain” stitch of last stitch and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 1 loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook*; repeat from * to *for length of foundation row.

2trtog: 2 trebles together YO twice, insert hook into st indicated, yo, pull through = 4 loops on hook, (yo, pull through 2 loops) twice, - 2 loops remaining on hook, now yo twice, insert hook in same st, yo, pull through, = 5 loops on hook, (yo, pull through 2 loops) twice, yo pull through all 3 loops on hook. – 2-tr tog is done.

3trtog: 3 trebles together YO twice, insert hook into st indicated, yo, pull through = 4 loops on hook, now (yo, pull through 2 loops) twice, - 2 loops remaining on hook, now yo twice, insert hook in same st, yo, pull through = 5 loops on hook, (yo, pull through 2 loops) twice, - 3 loops remaining on the hook, yo twice insert hook in same st, yo, pull through = 6 loops on hook, now (yo, pull through 2 loops) twice, then yo and pull through all 4 loops on the hook. – 3-tr tog is done.

crochet flower cowl free pattern


    Round 1: Using 4.50 mm hook, keeping a long tail, Fsc 192. Join with sl st into 1st Fsc to form a ring. Use the tail to join the first and last stitches and close the round. (192 Fsc)

    Round 2: Ch 1, sc in the same st, ch 2, 1dc in next 5 sts, sk 2, sc in the next st, sk 2, 1 dc in next 5 sts, * ch 2, sc in next st, ch 2, 1dc in next 5 sts, sk 2, sc in next st, sk 2, 1 dc in next 5 sts,* repeat from * to * around ending with 1 dc into the 1st sc of the round (this dc is made instead of ch 2). (24 sc, 121 dc).

    Round 3: Ch 6, sk (sc and ch-2 sp), sc in nxt st * ch 4, 2 tr tog into sc just made -1st petal done, sk 4 dc, 3 tr tog into sc - 2nd petal done, ch 4, 2 tr tog in top of 2nd petal just made - 3rd petal done, sk 4 dc, sc in nxt st, ch 5, sk (ch-2 sp, sc and nxt ch-2 sp), sc in nxt st *, repeat from * to * around, ending with sl st into the 1st ch of beg ch 6. (36 petals, 12 ch-5 sps)

    Round 4: Ch 1, sc in same st, * ch 5, sk ch-5 sp, sc in nxt st, ch 5, sk 1st petal, 3 tr tog into top of 2nd petal (4th petal done), ch 5, sk the 3rd petal below, sc in sc below, repeat from * to * around, ending with sl st into 1st sc of round. (12 petals, 36 ch-5 sps)

    Round 5: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sc in ch-5 sp below inserting hook under both the ch 5 loops, sk sc, * 5 dc in nxt ch-5 sp, ch 2, sc into top of 4th petal, ch 2, 5 dc into ch-5 sp, sk sc, sc into ch-5 sp inserting hook under both ch 5 loops, sk sc, * repeat from * to * around till the last ch-5 sp, in this ch-5 sp work only 4 dc, join with sl st in 1st sc of the round. (24 sc, 24 groups of 5dc)

    Round 6: Ch 4, 2 tr tog in same sc in which sl st was made (1st petal done), ch 4, 2 tr tog into top of petal just made (2nd petal done), sk 4 dc, sc in nxt dc, ch 5, sk (ch-2 sp, sc and nxt ch-2 sp), sc in nxt st, ch 4, 2 tr tog in sc just made (1st petal done), * sk 4 dc, 3 tr tog in sc below (2nd petal done), ch 4, 2 tr tog into top of petal just made (3rd petal done), sk 4 dc, sc in nxt st, ch 5, sk (ch-2 sp, sc and nxt ch-2 sp), sc in nxt st, ch 4, 2 tr tog in sc just made *, repeat from * to * around, ending with sl st in top of 1st petal of the round. (36 petals, 12 ch-5 sps).

    Round 7: Ch 4, 2 tr tog in same place as sl st, ch 5, sk petal below,, sc in sc below, ch 5, sk ch-5 sp, sc in sc below, ch 5, sk petal, * 3 tr tog in top of center petal, ch 5, sk petal below,, sc in sc below, ch 5, sk ch-5 sp, sc in sc below, ch 5, sk petal,* repeat from * to * around ending with sl st in 1st petal of round. (12 petals, 36 ch-5 sps)

    Round 8: Ch 1, sc in same st, * ch 2, 5 dc in ch-5 sp, sk sc, sc into ch-5 sp inserting hook under both ch-5 loops, sk sc, 5 dc in ch-5 sp, ch 2, sc in top of petal,* repeat from * to * around, instead of last ch 2, end with dc in 1st sc of round (24 sc, 24 groups of 5dc).

    Round 9: Repeat Rnd 3.

    Round 10: Repeat Rnd 4.

    Round 11: Repeat Rnd 5.

    Round 12: Repeat Rnd 6.

    Round 13: Repeat Rnd 7.

    Round 14: Repeat Rnd 8.

Note: Work these six rounds as many times as required to get the width you want for the cowl.

    Rounds 15 to 19: Repeat Rnds 3 – 7.

    Round 20: Ch 1, sc in same st, * ch 1, 5 dc in ch-5 sp, sk sc, sc into ch-5 sp inserting hook under both ch-5 loops, sk sc, 5 dc in ch-5 sp, ch 1, sc in top of petal,* repeat from * to * around, sl st in 1st sc of round (24 sc, 24 groups of 5dc).

    Round 21: Ch 1, sc in same st, sc in ch-1 sp, sc in nxt 11 sts, sc in ch-1 sp, * sc in nxt st, sc in ch-1 sp, sc in nxt 11 sts, sc in ch-1 sp, * repeat from * to * around ending with sl st in 1st sc of the round. (168 sc).

    Fasten off.  Weave in yarn ends.

There, that's your Flowers in my Window cowl done!

Hope you enjoy making it. Thank you for your time.

Would you like me to make a video tutorial for this cowl? 

The next post will be about Post Stitches, so do join me.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop.

Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy. 

Heartfelt prayers and best wishes to you and your loved ones, where ever in the World you may be.

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you.


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