Crochetkari: Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern

Namaste friends. Sharing my latest pattern - the Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern.

Did you have pen friends when you were a teen? My brother and I had lots of pen pals all over the globe. Wonder where I am going with this? :)

Our European pen pals would send us beautiful photos in which the houses would have these beautiful boxes in the windows filled with gorgeous colourful flowers. Those lovely flowers were the inspiration behind the name of this cowl. 

Sadly, no one uses snail mail anymore and we are no longer in touch with our pen pals. Somehow an email does not have the same warmth as a beautifully written long letter filled with anecdotes and juicy gossip.

The inspiration for this cowl pattern was a small crochet chart diagram on Pinterest. It looked like small four-petaled flowers strewn across a lattice background.

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern pink close-up

At first glance, it may look like many motifs have been joined together, but the cowl is worked in one piece. And it is worked in the round no there is no seaming involved.

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern by Crochetkari

I modified the pattern slightly to make it seamless. And like most of my patterns, this cowl too starts with a round of foundation single crochet, so no long chains to count.

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern by Crochetkari detail

Yarn:  DK weight approx 150 gms *
Hook: 4.50 mm *
Size: 40 inches around and 10 inches wide. The pattern also has instructions to change the length and width of the cowl. 

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pdf pattern by Crochetkari

The pattern PDF is available in my Etsy and Craftsy shops.

The cowl would make a gorgeous gift, just right for the coming festive season. Don't you think so?

Flowers in my window crochet cowl pattern by Crochetkari details

Let me have your thoughts on this cowl pattern in the comments below. You can also get in touch with me on Facebook and Instagram

See you soon with some more crochet goodness...

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you. 


  1. Beautiful pattern (and congrats on navigating your recent move!)

    1. Thank you, dear. Liked the look of your new blog :)

  2. Lovely !!!! In any color !!!!
    Have a nice day !

    1. Thank you Anna. Loved the pattern and ended up making five of these cowls!! :) Sadly, Mumbai weather is too hot for cowls :(
      Have a lovely day!


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to


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