Crochetkari: Etsy
Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Crochet Sheldon Beanie Free Pattern

Namaste Friends!

I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.

The year 2021 is coming to an end and it looks likes the coronavirus will be (sadly) accompanying us into 2022. And with the constant mutations, there is not much we can do to prevent it except look for ways to fight back. 

But let us look at positive things like the upcoming festive season! 
Here, in India it was festivals galore in the last few months, leaving me very little time for blogging.

I have a free beanie pattern for you today which I hope you will find useful for gifting or for yourself.

It is the Sheldon Beanie named after my favourite character in The Big Bang Theory
In fact, I love all the main characters in the series and it is my favourite series.

Crochet free beanie pattern

The pattern is for a unisex hat and also one of the reasons I named it Sheldon. So if you are looking forward to making something handmade for your Dad, Grandad, brother or that someone special, I hope you will give it a try.

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you.

So here goes the Sheldon crochet beanie pattern.

Skill Level:  Easy

Size: Hat measures approximately 22 inches (56 cms) around and 8 inches (20 cms) in height. (Adult size)


Gauge: 18 stitches = 4” in Alpine stitch pattern.


This pattern uses US terminology.

The hat is worked top-down, in the round without turning.

Chain 3 at beg of round counts as a DC.

Chain 1 and chain 2 at beg of round does not count as a stitch.     


beg – beginning,

ch - chain,

st – stitch,

sp – space,

sl st – slip stitch,

dc – double crochet,

yo – yarn over hook,

flo – front loop only

blo – back loop only

fpdc – front post double crochet,

Pattern stitches:

Fpdc: Front Post Double crochet – YO and insert hook from front to back between the posts of the first and second dc of the round below, then insert hook from back to front between the posts of the second and third dc. YO and draw the yarn around the post of the stitch. You now have three loops on the hook. YO and draw the yarn through two loops on the hook, twice. One Fpdc is complete.

To know more about Post stitches check out this detailed post HERE.
Round 11 and 12 are worked in the front and back loops respectively, see THIS POST for different ways to work into a stitch.

Free sheldon crochet hat pattern

The Sheldon beanie is worked top-down, so we start at the top of the crown.

  • Round 1: Using colour A, Ch 4, join with sl st to form ring.

  • Round 2: Ch 3, 11 dc into ring, join with slip stitch in 3rd chain of beg ch 3. (12 dc)

  • Round 3: Ch 3, dc in same st * 2 dc in next st,  rep from * till the end, join with slip st in 3rd chain of beg ch 3. (24 dc)

  • Round 4: Ch 3, 2dc in nxt st, * dc in nxt st, 2 dc in nxt st,  rep from* till the end, join with slip st in 3rd chain of beg ch 3. (36 dc)

  • Round 5: Ch 3, dc in next st, 2dc in nxt st, * dc in nxt 2 sts, 2dc in nxt st, rep from * till end, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch 3.  (48 dc)

  • Round 6: Ch 3, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in nxt st, * dc in nxt 3 sts, 2dc in nxt st, rep from * till end, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch 3.   (60 dc)

  • Round 7: Ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in nxt st, * dc in nxt 4 sts, 2dc in nxt st, rep from * till end, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch 3.   (72 dc)

  • Round 8: Ch 3, dc in next 4 sts, 2dc in nxt st, * dc in nxt 5 sts, 2dc in nxt st, rep from * till end, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch 3.   (84 dc)

    At the end of Round 8, your circle, also known as the Crown of the hat, should measure around 6.5 – 7 inches and this is where we stop increasing.

  • Round 9: Ch 3, dc in next st and each st around, join with in 3rd ch of beg ch 3.  (84 dc)
  • Round 10: Repeat round 9.
Sheldon crochet hat detail

    To start the Alpine stitch panel:

    Note: Change to Colour B if using two colours or just continue with colour A.

  • Round 11: This round is worked in the front loops only (FLO) of the DCs in Round 10.

    Ch 1 (does not count as st), sc in same st, sc in flo of each st around, ending with sl st in first sc of round. (84 sc)

  • Round 12: This round is worked in the unused back loops only (BLO) of the DCs in Round 10.

    Ch 3, dc in blo of nxt st, dc in blo of each st around ending with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch 3. (84 dc)

  • Round 13: Ch 1 (does not count as a st), sc in same st as ch 1, sc in each st around, ending with in 1st sc of round. (84 sc)
  • Round 14: Ch 3, sk next st, fpdc around the dc below in Round 12, *dc in next st, sk next st, fpdc around the dc below, rep from * around ending with in 3rd ch of beg ch 3. (84 sts)

    Note: Pull up the fpdc to the height of the dc, this will prevent this round from folding over.

  • Round 15: Repeat Round 13.
  • Round 16: Ch 2 (does not count as st), fpdc around the ch 3 below the ch 2 in Round 14, dc in next st in Round 15, *sk next st, fpdc around the dc below, dc in next st, rep from * around ending with in the 1st fpdc of the round. (84 sts)

    Note: Ensure that the fpdc made in this round is above the dc of Round 14 and not above the fpdc.

  • Round 17: Repeat Round 13.
  • Round 18: Repeat Round 14.
  • Round 19: Repeat Round 13.
  • Round 20: Repeat Round 16.

    The height of the hat will now be around 6.75 inches approximately.

  • Round 21: Repeat Round 11. (84 sc)
  • Round 22: Working in the unused back loops of Round 20, repeat Round 13. (84 sc)
  • Round 23 - 27: Repeat Round 13. Fasten off. Weave ends in using a yarn needle.

    The height for an adult hat is usually around 8.5 inches so feel free to increase or reduce the number of these single crochet rounds to get the height you desire. 

Free crochet sheldon hat pattern

In the Blue and white Sheldon beanie above, I have omitted Rounds 11 and 21 which give a textured edge to the Alpine stitch section. This also means that Rounds 12 and 22 will be worked in both loops of the previous round.

If anything above does not make sense feel free to contact me 😀.

You may have noticed a bunch of advertisements popping up and I know they can be irritating. This is something new for me and I am just learning and getting the hang of it, so until then please bear with me (and the ads 😀).

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you.           

Sheldon crochet beanies

Hope you enjoy making the Sheldon beanie. 

Thank you for your time.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop.

Wear a mask, get vaccinated, stay safe, stay healthy.             

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern

Namaste friends. Sharing my latest pattern - the Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern.

Did you have pen friends when you were a teen? My brother and I had lots of pen pals all over the globe. Wonder where I am going with this? :)

Our European pen pals would send us beautiful photos in which the houses would have these beautiful boxes in the windows filled with gorgeous colourful flowers. Those lovely flowers were the inspiration behind the name of this cowl. 

Sadly, no one uses snail mail anymore and we are no longer in touch with our pen pals. Somehow an email does not have the same warmth as a beautifully written long letter filled with anecdotes and juicy gossip.

The inspiration for this cowl pattern was a small crochet chart diagram on Pinterest. It looked like small four-petaled flowers strewn across a lattice background.

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern pink close-up

At first glance, it may look like many motifs have been joined together, but the cowl is worked in one piece. And it is worked in the round no there is no seaming involved.

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern by Crochetkari

I modified the pattern slightly to make it seamless. And like most of my patterns, this cowl too starts with a round of foundation single crochet, so no long chains to count.

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pattern by Crochetkari detail

Yarn:  DK weight approx 150 gms *
Hook: 4.50 mm *
Size: 40 inches around and 10 inches wide. The pattern also has instructions to change the length and width of the cowl. 

Flowers in my window cowl crochet pdf pattern by Crochetkari

The pattern PDF is available in my Etsy and Craftsy shops.

The cowl would make a gorgeous gift, just right for the coming festive season. Don't you think so?

Flowers in my window crochet cowl pattern by Crochetkari details

Let me have your thoughts on this cowl pattern in the comments below. You can also get in touch with me on Facebook and Instagram

See you soon with some more crochet goodness...

* This post contains affiliate links which if you use for any purchase, may yield me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you. 

Thursday 2 March 2017

Cupid's Dilemma Cowl pattern + giveaway

Namaste friends. February just flew by and we are already into the third month of 2017!

Are you aware that March is International Crochet Month? I am really excited as it means lots of informative posts, tutorials and free patterns across blogland. I have planned a few crochet posts myself which should hopefully see the light of day! While my mind is buzzing with tons of ideas on some days fatigue is the winner. (More about that later)

In February I released a new cowl pattern, but that is not the reason for the name Cupid's Dilemma :)

crochet cowl pattern cupids dilemma

The cowl has a rich, elegant texture and will work wonderfully as a unisex pattern. 

Materials used:
Yarn:  DK weight
Hook: US G/6 (4 mm), UK 8
           and US E/4 (3.5 mm), UK 9 (optional)

As gauge is not very important for a cowl, substitution with your preferred yarn is easy as the pattern has instructions to modify the dimensions of the cowl.

Here's a look at the lovely texture and border,

crochet cowl pattern cupids dilemma

The pattern is chainless as the first row is made up of FHdc (foundation half double crochet).
And seamless too, as it is worked in the round. So only two ends to weave in...Yay!

crochet cowl pattern cupids dilemma

The pattern is easy and ideal for gifts for either sex. Six pages of photo tutorials are included so crocheting the cowl should be a breeze :)

crochet cowl pattern cupids dilemma

Light coloured yarns will bring out the texture, but feel free to use your favourite yarns in the colour of your choice.

crochet cowl pattern cupids dilemma

The pattern is available in my ETSY and CRAFTSY shops.

And now for the Giveaway.
I am giving away one Free copy of the pattern. And you don't even have to like, tweet and heart all over the internet to enter. :) Just let me know why you think the name "Cupid's Dilemma" is suitable for this cowl.

You can write your answer in the comments below OR better still write to me at, that way no one will repeat your answer. 

The giveaway is open till 15th March 2017. The person with the most witty and appropriate answer will be the winner and I will announce the name on the blog. The pattern will be sent by email to the winner. 
So, come on start racking your brains :))

The year 2017 started with a bittersweet diagnosis. My doctor advised me a few blood tests for a fever that just refused to subside. And the verdict is that I have hypothroidism! Actually I am quite relieved because it explains a lot of my symptoms which did not seem to have a cause or go away, like the terrible hairfall which even caused a bald spot right on the crown, the excess weight which refused to budge, dry skin which soaked up tons of body lotion, the carpal tunnel pain which sometimes made it difficult to crochet (grrrr), and most of all - the fatigue and body pain which was unbearable sometimes. I believed all this was just part of growing old and to think that it was all treatable! The medication is for lifetime but I am feeling so much better now.
So friends I urge you to please go for regular check ups.  Take good care of yourself, after all you have only one body to live in ;)

Friday 5 February 2016

Waffle Stitch Scarf - First pattern of 2016

Namaste friends. January has flown by so fast. I am not really on the dot with my goals for 2016, but there are eleven months to go and I am sure I will bring things up to date by the year end. :)

January saw a visit by my sister-in-law with her husband, for ten days. We had a very good time with sightseeing, karaoke singing and eating out. One of the places we visited was the Auto World Vintage Car Museum at Kathwada, Ahmedabad. It boasts an awesome collection of more than 100 cars such as Bentleys, Chryslers, Daimlers, Rolls Royce, Mercedes, Cadillacs, Buicks and many more. I will share the pics in my next post.

Now on to my first project of 2016 - the Waffle Stitch Scarf with Ribbed Border. The waffle stitch is one of my favourite crochet stitches and I just love the texture it produces. This scarf pattern was a custom request and I am quite happy with the finished product.

Crochet waffle stitch scarf pattern

The texture makes it an ideal unisex pattern. The ribbed border looks lovely, don't you think so?

Crochet waffle stitch scarf border

The pattern for this scarf is available on ETSY and CRAFTSY

A few more pics:

Crochet waffle stitch pattern

The scarf is made with DK wt yarn and a 4 mm crochet hook. The scarf measure 60 inches by 6.5 inches and I have included instructions to change the length and the width of the scarf. 

Crochet waffle scarf pattern

I think I will make one more scarf with this pattern and attach a fringe at the shorter ends for a different look.

Which is your first project for 2016? I am eager to know.
See you soon in the next post. Happy Crafting.

Rolls-Rocyces, Bentleys, Daimlers, Langondas, Mercedeces, Maybach, Packards, Cadillacs, Buicks, Auburns, Cord, Lancias, Lincolns, Chryslers - See more at:
Rolls-Rocyces - See more at:

Saturday 26 September 2015

Crochet Waffle Stitch Hat Pattern

Namaste Beautiful! I hope you are feeling wonderful. Sadly I cannot say the same. I have just returned home from a seven day stay at the hospital., because I was down with dengue fever. By some weird coincidence my husband got the same fever and we were occupying two adjacent beds in the hospital room. Luckily for us, our son who had come from Mumbai to spend a couple of days with us, as it was my birthday on the 10th of September, stayed back for two weeks and took real good care of us. I guess everything happens for a reason, we were very fortunate that sonny boy decided to stick to his guns and insisted on coming to Ahmedabad. We would have been helpless without him.

As far as blogging is concerned, I cannot find any good reason for the delays/gaps in my posting. 2015 was supposed to be my year, with my blogging and my Etsy store going full steam. Well you know what they say, "Woman proposes, God disposes"!! I have just not been able to get into the swing of things and now the year is coming to an end!  :(

But I have tons of projects to share so hopefully the rest of the year should proceed smoothly. 

Today I want to share the latest pattern in my Etsy shop...the Waffle stitch hat pattern. 

crochet waffle stitch hat

This pattern is for a matching hat to the Waffle stitch cowl

crochet waffle stitch cowl with ribbed edges

The hat has a top down construction and is worked seamlessly in the round. The edge has a lovely ribbing pattern.

crochet waffle stitch hat pattern

The pattern is in US terms and the special stitches required are Fpdc, Bpdc, Fphdc and Bphdc.

The adult sized hat is made using DK yarn and a 4.00 mm crochet hook.

crochet waffle stitch hat pattern

The hat pattern is available on Etsy and Craftsy

crochet waffle stitch hat pattern

Hopefully I should be back soon with a Free crochet scarf pattern.

Until then, buh-bye.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Waffle stitch cowl pattern

Hello, gorgeous people! I am so glad you have joined me today. Hope the week has started well for you. Thank you for your super duper comments on my last post, you made my day.

The pattern for my waffle stitch cowl is finally ready. Here is look at the cowl once again.

crochet waffle stitch cowl pattern

I think it looks ravishing in red. Definitely is a unisex pattern, what do you say?

crochet waffle stitch cowl pattern

The pattern includes instructions to change the width and the length of the cowl which means you can customize it and make a one of a kind cowl.

crochet waffle stitch cowl pattern

I love the waffle texture. This cowl would look simply scrumptious in brown, beige, coffee or even cream!  :) And the pattern is worked in the round which means no seaming...YAY!!

You can get the pattern on ETSY as well as CRAFTSY.

Get a head start on your Christmas gifting and have it ready in time for your favorite person.  :)

I am already working on my next pattern. Want a peek?

crochet puff stitch cowl pattern

See you soon.

A small note: If you have any questions about patterns, hooks, yarns or anything else, please write to me only at This will help me to reply to you specifically and you will get faster replies.

Saturday 3 May 2014

My first PDF pattern...and my 100th post!

Finally reached the 100 mark...phew!!! Yes, this is my 100th post and it took me almost TWO years. That is bad,,,,very bad. Why? Well, during my school years if there was one remark I received unfailingly on my report card every year, year after year, it was "very talkative"!! And now to take two years to write 100 posts....pathetic!!

In real life too, I sometimes go yakkity yak, blah blah blah, but of late I feel I am becoming quieter. Maybe it has to do with the fact that after moving to Ahmedabad, I had nobody to talk to as hubby and sonny were busy with their respective work and I suppose I got used to sitting quietly and crocheting on my own. Or maybe age is catching up and I am finding solace in solitude. As far as blogging is concerned, you know how silly things like life, health and relatives can get in the way of important things like blogging, or Pinterest, Facebook, etc......LOL. Just joking  ;)

So, welcome to my 100th post. And now on to the next exciting thing.

My First crochet PDF pattern
Now if there is one thing for which I will remember the year 2013, it will have to be opening my own shop on Etsy. It took a bit of courage to jump in with both feet and decide to just do it and stop dilly dallying. Of course it did mean that I could no longer treat my crochet just as a hobby and had to get serious about treating it as a business. Which meant crocheting for the better part of the day, buying yarn in bulk and stashing it out of the way, taking care of packaging, shipping and other logistics. I did plan to eventually design and sell my own patterns, but for a start I was happy to just crochet and sell my items.

I have been crocheting for 25+ years now, and along the way I have designed some stuff, used stitch patterns from books to make bags and purses and modified patterns to suit available yarns and end purpose. But I never bothered to write anything down. And as I am suffering from OCD - Obsessive Crocheting Disorder I would crochet super fast as my main objective was to see how the final product would look. As a full time working mother staying in a joint family the only "ME" time I got was during the two hour commute to and fro from work. Most of the time I would be standing and crocheting in a crowded train and God forbid if I jostled my co passengers to get my pen out and make notes!!! If looks could kill I would certainly not be here writing this post.....haha.

Cluster stitch cuffed cowl

When I designed my Cluster Stitch Cuffed Infinity scarf, as usual I was eager to see the finished product, therefore no notes were written. Imagine my surprise when I received a message on Etsy whether I was willing to sell the pattern. I was thrilled but apprehensive at the same time. Writing a pattern in the proper format is very different from sharing it on your blog or explaining it to your friend. It took me a couple of days to complete writing the pattern and get it in PDF format. 

And you can now get my pattern on Etsy and Craftsy.  :)

The infinity scarf has an allover cluster pattern.

Crochet Cluster stitch cuffed cowl

A buttoned cuff adds visual interest. I have used two wooden buttons, but you can use any 2cm buttons.

Crochet Cluster stitch cuffed infinity scarf detail

The infinity scarf can be worn in different ways:

Crochet Cluster stitch cuffed infinity scarf

Crochet Cluster stitch cuffed infinity scarf

Join me in my next post as my blog completes two years and two lucky readers will get a free copy of this pattern.

I am working on a few more patterns and some of them will be free on my blog.

Have a great weekend.


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