Crochetkari: Waffle Stitch Scarf - First pattern of 2016

Friday 5 February 2016

Waffle Stitch Scarf - First pattern of 2016

Namaste friends. January has flown by so fast. I am not really on the dot with my goals for 2016, but there are eleven months to go and I am sure I will bring things up to date by the year end. :)

January saw a visit by my sister-in-law with her husband, for ten days. We had a very good time with sightseeing, karaoke singing and eating out. One of the places we visited was the Auto World Vintage Car Museum at Kathwada, Ahmedabad. It boasts an awesome collection of more than 100 cars such as Bentleys, Chryslers, Daimlers, Rolls Royce, Mercedes, Cadillacs, Buicks and many more. I will share the pics in my next post.

Now on to my first project of 2016 - the Waffle Stitch Scarf with Ribbed Border. The waffle stitch is one of my favourite crochet stitches and I just love the texture it produces. This scarf pattern was a custom request and I am quite happy with the finished product.

Crochet waffle stitch scarf pattern

The texture makes it an ideal unisex pattern. The ribbed border looks lovely, don't you think so?

Crochet waffle stitch scarf border

The pattern for this scarf is available on ETSY and CRAFTSY

A few more pics:

Crochet waffle stitch pattern

The scarf is made with DK wt yarn and a 4 mm crochet hook. The scarf measure 60 inches by 6.5 inches and I have included instructions to change the length and the width of the scarf. 

Crochet waffle scarf pattern

I think I will make one more scarf with this pattern and attach a fringe at the shorter ends for a different look.

Which is your first project for 2016? I am eager to know.
See you soon in the next post. Happy Crafting.

Rolls-Rocyces, Bentleys, Daimlers, Langondas, Mercedeces, Maybach, Packards, Cadillacs, Buicks, Auburns, Cord, Lancias, Lincolns, Chryslers - See more at:
Rolls-Rocyces - See more at:


  1. can you plz give the pattern ..

  2. Lovely scarf! You have become a waffle expert!
    In 2016, I have started my new website for patterns, only motifs as of know. I don't have much skills for wearables.

  3. Great pattern !!!!
    Have a lovely weekend !

  4. Great pattern! I love the border

  5. Beautiful scarf !!! Have a nice day !!:-)

  6. Hi Sangeetha! You are right the scarf is beautiful and this waffle stitch is one of a kind, i sit easy to crochet?
    Wishing you creative 11 months ahead, as well very good health!

  7. Hi Sangeetha
    Lovely scarf. As usual. Your work is very neat. Looking forward to your eleven eventful crafty months.:)

  8. HiSangeetha, the scarf looks super neat n pretty! perfect finish!


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to


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