
Saturday 27 April 2013

Temptation, Thy name is.....

Yup! Finally succumbed to the lure of this yarn.

Hello friends, busy enjoying the weekend?

Another Stash Saturday and I am going to show you the Stylecraft Special DK yarn which has just arrived. (Oh..the joys of online shopping!!!).

Well, with everybody in Crochetland going gaga and then some more ga, how long could I resist. So I went ahead and ordered some for myself from Deramores. I have to thank Rajeswari for actually working out the cost vis-a-vis Indian yarns and encouraging me to go ahead. Also there was a 15% discount in that particular week.....and I took that as a positive sign from above!!

Here is my gorgeous collection;

After the yarn arrived it did look like a bit too much. But that is NOT my fault!!.....(my most favourite line when Anything happens).  :) It is their fault. Who are they? Stylecraft of course.

Not only do they have the most gorgeous colours, they have to name their colours instead of numbering them. How can you resist Saffron, Pomegranate, Apricot, Candyfloss, Sunshine and... Lipstick. The names were driving me crazy.

Want a closer look, I know you do :) I have clicked the pics with the names showing so that you can see which is which.

That's Jaffa, Matador, Apricot, Shrimp and Lipstick

Bright Pink, Candyfloss, Claret, Pomegranate, Raspberry

Saffron, Meadow, Camel, Sunshine, Citron

Sherbet, Royal, Cloud Blue, Aspen, Turquoise and of course White.

Aren't they just darling!!

The yarn is very soft and the colours are of course just gorgeous. I will do more oohs and aahs when I actually start working with the yarn. Right now it is safe in my secret hiding place (the pleasures of having a room to myself for my crafting!). 

I have not yet decided on a project for the yarn but most probably it is going to be an afghan/blanket. Right now I am very busy......doing what?!! Well, thinking of the "right" answer to explain the entry in the credit card statement to my dear hubby.......hehe.  ;)

Also succumbed to the lure of a lovely scarf pattern on a Portuguese? site. Will be sharing it with you soon.

[Note: A warm welcome to all new friends who have joined me. I am sorry that I have not been able to join your blogs even though I have visited all of you and signed up by email wherever possible. Inspite of trying a lot of tricks, still having trouble with left click. Not sure whether problem is with Blogger, Firefox or just my PC. So, please bear with me. This same problem is also not letting me make any changes to my blog layout...very frustrating. But I am still in the process of research and trying something new everyday, so hopefully soon........ ]

Nobody has guessed my holiday destination. So, here are some more clues:
The place is a desert, in India. I have to take a flight from Delhi to reach it and the landscape is beautiful. Come on girls, rack your brains.  :)

Do write to me, your comments add joy to my day. Hope you are having a fun weekend.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Rippling Success

Hello there, Glad you joined me today.

I have a lovely finished project to share today. Something that I have been working on for a couple of weeks. Actually that is too quick for me, but the reason this project reached completion is because it was an Afghan challenge at The Crochet Crowd.

So, here goes my latest Ta-Dah......

Ocean Waves Throw

This is my very first attempt at a ripple pattern and I am quite happy with the result. This is also my first large, mammoth project after my Aqua and White granny square baby Blanket. 

The ripple consists of two rows. The first row is worked in the back loops only. This gave a 3D effect of waves rippling and lapping against the shore.

Maybe that is the reason it is named the Ocean Waves Throw. The pattern is free on Red The CAL is open till 17th May 2013 in case any one wants to join in.

The blanket is approximately 36" by 60".
The yarns are from this stash
It used up around 625 grams of yarn and has a total of 80 rows.
It took me about 15 days to complete, which is something new for a procrastinator like me! Most projects get started and then they languish in the WIPs basket till I "feel the love" for them again.  LOL!

I think Rajeswari's idea of adding a border and lining the blankets is a good one and I may try it later. Right now I just want to relax and admire my handiwork.

And of course all completed projects have to be clicked in my favourite spot - the swing. Only then can it be called an FO.

Now off I go to visit my favourite blogs and see what you all have been up to. I have found two lovely scarf patterns that I am dying to try but my WIPs basket is beckoning me  :(

I will be going on vacation in the month of May. Where?... can you guess if I give you a clue? Okay... it is the only place where you can get frostbite and sunburn at the same time!!! Let me have your guesses....hehe. Yeah I know...I am so wicked!

By the way, I am having some problem with Google Friend Connect and am unable to follow other blogs even if I click the "Join this site" button. Is this problem related to the discontinuation of Google Reader...any ideas? Would love to have any suggestions on this matter.  :)

Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a great week. Make time for craft everyday.


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