Crochetkari: Birthday Bonanza

Thursday 30 August 2012

Birthday Bonanza

Hi friends. Aren't you glad that it is already Thursday? We are on the right side of the week. :)

Let me begin by welcoming our new friends;
          Ana from Tejedora de Nanduti,
          Beck from BECK to Vintage,
          Nilgun from Nilgun"den guluckler,
          Kamoni (Dear Kamoni, please let me have the link if you have a blog),
          TehSoune fromHooks and Yarn!,
and    Kevser from Kevser'in Penceresi.

It was my husband's birthday on Tuesday the 28th. The celebrations started at midnight (27th) where we kept up with our usual tradition of waking up the birthday person with the Happy Birthday song followed by cake cutting. This year my son decided to choose the gifts and the cake for Dad. So, this is the cake he bought:

We debated for a long time about the gift. It was difficult because what can you get for someone who already has most of the things. (My husband would have loved a ticket to Switzerland.... but as you imagine... way way beyond sonny's and my budget - LOL). After searching  the internet for some time we decided to get a few practical items. And these are the items we got,

A Nokia Bluetooth Headset.

And a set which included a Polo watch, a belt and a wallet;

I have my eye on that Polo tin. Would make a nifty storage for buttons and stuff. This set came with a pair of formal black shoes and a pair of Lotto sports shoes, but one disgusted look from my son prevented me from clicking photos of said item ... ha ha. (Secretly both my son and husband think I have gone bonkers, going around the house with a camera and clicking random objects, birds, books and balls of yarn!) If only they were aware of the pleasures of blogging. ;)
The day ended with a movie (not so good) and a visit to KFC (very very good.... definitely finger licking good). I was given strict instructions not to take the camera along. (He he)

And now for a Ta Da moment.....
Yesterday my brother did some techno tinkering with the blog (he is my 24x7 tech support for the blog and all other computer related stuff) and now my blog is in its own domain!! I think it is wonderful. Thanks dear Bro.

Friends, if you have not yet visited my Facebook page, please do and give me a "Like" there. I know it does not have anything much on it yet but I am working on it. Hmmm... I think I should start that right away. So see you soon.

Have a lovely day. Buh-bye.
Love xxx


  1. A happy birthday wish to your hubby dear! am sure your gifts were well received. Congrats on your own domain. Its super cool!!

    1. Thank you so much, Rajeshwari. I have already passed on your birthday wishes.
      Hugs and kisses to the little ones.

  2. Hi dear Sangeetha, Ohhh happy happy birthday to your housband.. He is so lucky because He has a very nice wife like you..:)) And he is lucky that you choosed so beautiful gifts for him... You are a very good friend... Thank you very very much for your friendship...
    All best wishes to you and you sweet family...:))

  3. Happy belated to your hubby. I never know what to get my husband for his birthday or any holiday. He has everything and if he doesn't, then he goes out and buys it for himself. I don't order anything online. Just not my thing. Hope you have a great weekend. Tammy

  4. First off thank you for following my blog, second, how awesome your husband and I have the same birthday! I hope he had a very happy birthday!

  5. thanks a lot :) also happy birthday to you


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