
Thursday 10 May 2012

How does your garden grow.....

This question is not for Mary who is quite contrary, but for my brother S, who is  passionate about his gardening hobby. He has a variety of plants in his garden, like ferns, gladioli, petunias, zinnias, hibiscus, Song of India, chlorophytum, coleus, herbs like coriander and curry leaves, and vegetables like chilly and spinach.

His current obsession is the Adenium and already he has some 20 pots of adeniums.

Have a look at his very first gorgeous gladioli blooms.

Some more of his wonderful flowers,



Cute little critters guarding the blooms!

Birds of feather...snack together!

 The result of all this vigorous gardening is that now he has run out of "floor space". To cut a long story short, I decided to try my hand at Macramé (after a gap of 20 years) and make some hanging plant holders so that he can have a mid-air garden.

I wanted a simple and quick pattern. Ta-da, this is the result.

I love these leopard print beads, don't you?

See you later. Please feed my fish at the bottom of this page, thank you.

I Love Lucy

"I Love Lucy" is one of my all time favourite TV sitcoms. As kids, my brother and I could watch Lucy for hours, even the re-runs.

But today's post is about Lucy of Attic24. Lucy has a beautiful blog which I discovered on one of my crochet pattern hunting trips. Her patterns are beautiful and her choice of colour is exquisite. I decided to try one of her patterns and chose the Hexagon blanket. I started the blanket in January 2012 but the details and progress made so far will be a whole new post.

Lucy's photos are so gorgeous and colourful, they make me wish that even I was staying in some lovely English countryside. Since that was not possible, I decided to take inspiration from her and start my own blog. Blogging is such fun!!

Thank you Lucy for the inspiration and the patterns. And of course, a look at your beautiful surroundings.

Here is a sneak peek at my blanket,

Saturday 5 May 2012

Kitty kitty...

My sis-in-law C is a cat lover and lived with her four cats, (though I secretly feel that the cats think that it is their house and that She was living with them!). They have full access to the house and park themselves wherever they feel like. After marriage to my brother, she had to leave the poor darlings with her Mom as my brother is not a pet person. Seeing her pining for her cats and petting every stray cat she came across, I decided to give her something that will remind her of her babies. She is also an avid reader, so I made these Kitty bookmarks for her.

Cats with blue and green eyes!! Yeah I know they look a bit funny, but I was in a hurry to mail the bookmarks to her so I could not wait for stick-on eyes from the craft store.

Here they are stapled and ready for the Purrst-office.

She absolutely loved them, eyes and all.  If you like them too, drop me a line and I will mail the pattern to you.


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