
Sunday 3 August 2014

Roses are Red, Waffles are Blue...

Sugar is sweet, my love
But not, As sweet as you.....

A beautiful song by Jim Reeves that brings back lovely childhood memories of lazy Sunday mornings. Especially memories of my wonderful Dad bringing out his Grundig tape player and his huge collection of tapes. I think it was his great love for music that taught my brother and me  to appreciate and love music of all kinds, right from Bhimsen Joshi to Michael Jackson. Last month (July) saw his fourth death anniversary and not a day goes by without me remembering my Dad, his zest for life, his belief in the "goodness" of people, and the fact that he was great at maintaining friendships (without Facebook!)....he was still in touch with his kindergarten friends even in his seventies. 

In case you are interested here is a wonderful link I found, to the song mentioned above.

Okay, okay, I know that you are dying to point out the typo in the title. But don't fret as it IS my Waffles that are blue. And if it is me, then the waffles have to be crocheted right?!!

Crochet waffle stitch scarf

I fell in love with this stitch as it is so true to its name. Also because it produces a lovely thick textured fabric. This scarf was the first item I tried using the crochet waffle stitch. The waffle stitch is excellent for scarves, bags and baby blankets or even afghans. 

crochet waffle stitch

As I am a big fan of matching sets I decided to make a matching waffle hat. But while the scarf is worked in rows ie: to and fro, turning the work when you reach the end of the row, a hat has to be worked in the round to ensure a seamless construction. Also as I hate seaming I decided to have a go at modifying the pattern to work in the round.

Crochet waffle stitch hat

I am very pleased with the result. What do you think?

The waffle stitch scarf above was sold before I could blog about it, so I decided to have a go at the waffle stitch again. This time I decided to make a cowl as I had already succeeded at modifying the pattern to work in the round.

So here is my very own crochet waffle stitch cowl:

Crochet waffle stitch cowl

The waffle stitch seems ideal for unisex items. No shells, pineapples or fans...the perfect stitch for men's items!

I am working on the written pattern so watch this space as I will be calling for testers.

Crochet waffle stitch scarf

The blue waffle cowl and hat are available for purchase in my SHOP. And the pattern will also be available soon.

And, just for nostalgia, here is a picture I found,of a player that very closely resembles the one my Dad had;

Pic source:
See you soon. Do let me know what crafty adventures you are up to!

A small note: If you have any questions about patterns, hooks, yarns or anything else, please write to me only at This will help me to reply to you specifically and you will get faster replies.

Friday 11 July 2014

Pattern Giveaway Winners

Hi Girls, a quick post just to announce the winners of the pattern giveaway I announced a few weeks back. I know I am late, very late, but things have been a little topsy-turvy on the health front with very little that I could do about it. I am sure you don't want any of the boring details so on to the announcement.

And the winners are.......TaDa...drum roll please......,

Anna from Annasimplecrochet


Ruth from Rose Hill Collections

So, lucky girls, please write to me at so that I know which email id you want me to send the pattern PDF.

Both the lovely girls above have pretty blogs and they show off some really wonderful crochet creations, so do visit them.

For all my other beautiful friends out there, if you did not win this time do not despair, I have a few more patterns lined up and I will be showing them off soon... health permitting!!!  :(

A small note: If you have any questions about patterns, hooks, yarns or anything else, please write to me only at This will help me to reply to you specifically and you will get faster replies

Well, I hate posts that have no pics so here is one just for you;

crochet problem solving
I found this on Facebook, if you are aware of the source please let me know.

This is my surefire way to solve all problems in my life especially health issues as crochet works like meditation for me. Hehe... it also works as an excuse to avoid any other form of exercise...LOL. Now you can't crochet on the treadmill...can you?!

Until my next post, which might be a while, as I am off to Mumbai for a short trip....see ya. Make time for craft everyday.

Thursday 19 June 2014

1000 Facebook Likes!

Woo hoo!! I have some wonderful news to share. Yes, that's right my Crochetkari Facebook page has crossed the 1k mark. I now have 1000+ fans...Yay!!!

Crochetkari 1000 facebook likes

I am absolutely thrilled about it. I know that there are pages out there with fans in 5-figures and 6-figures. But I am pretty pleased with what I have achieved.

While Facebook can be a time sucker, I think it also depends on how you use it. As far as my page is concerned, I find it is a fast and efficient way to announce the latest happenings on my blog, or share my newest project and also free patterns from other sites. And I use my personal Facebook account to join crochet related groups, pages belonging to craft suppliers like Pony and Deramores and also to keep myself updated about the latest news in the craft world. 

And while on the topic of social media, you can also follow me on:

By the way, do you like the poster above? I made it and the one below (to announce 800 fans) using PicMonkey, which is a site where you can edit your photos, make collages and create posters like these ... for FREE! 

Crochetkari 800 facebook likes

It is easy and fun and the results are amazing. So go ahead and try it.  :)

I am working on the edging for the corner to corner blanket. What crafty adventure are you up to? Do share.

See you soon.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Crochet Corner to Corner Blanket

Hello friends, Hope the week has started well for you.

First, I have a question for you. Do you have any favorite crochet teacher whom you follow on the internet?

Actually I follow a lot of crochet "gurus". I am a self taught crocheter and for many years i.e. until I discovered the joys of internet, books were my teachers. But now with the internet, there is an explosion of information on any topic under the sun, including Crochet. So while there are tons of free patterns available, there are also crochet videos galore, to learn any crochet technique  you want to - Entrelac, Tunisian, bobble stitch, crocodile stitch, ripples, or even crochet bags, blankets, hats, scarves and what have you!

One of my favorite crochet gurus is Mikey of The Crochet Crowd. Last year I made my very first Ripple Blanket (also my very first large project!) by participating in an Afghan challenge. According to Mikey the corner to corner crochet technique was "hot trending", so I decided to give it a try.

crochet crowd corner to corner throw

What do you think? Isn't it lovely?!! What is unique about this technique is that it starts out as a triangle and then you can modify the size as you crochet along. Which means you can make it a square or rectangle and even decide the size after you have started crocheting it.

Here is a link to Mikey's video for the corner to corner technique where he explains it in great detail.

I had not decided on a size for the blanket as I was hoping to get the two opposite corners to match each other. So two corners have the variegated yarn...

crochet crowd corner to corner throw

And since I had started with a blue triangle I was praying that I should be able to get blue again in the last corner.

crochet crowd corner to corner throw

I am sure that there must be a way to calculate and get precisely matching corners, but for now I am very happy with the results.

Crochet Corner to corner afghan

The yarn I used was "Fine" or yarn weight 2 and with a 3.5 mm hook, I was afraid that it will take me ages to complete the blanket. But this pattern is so simple and easy that once you get the hang of it you can do it while chatting with friends, watching TV, or even when waiting at the doctor's or the bus stop. is that easy! Believe me you don't even have to look down at it.

So if you have never tried this technique, give it a go with this free pattern from Redheart also has tons of other free patterns for any crochet item imaginable, so browse around while you are there.

If you don't have time to try an whole afghan, no problem, try your hand at the crochet corner to corner technique with this video for a C to C scarf. You will be amazed that such an easy technique can produce such beautiful results.

red heart corner to corner throw

I have to weave in the ends!!  :(

Do you think it needs an edging? Maybe you could suggest an edging pattern.

Crochet Corner to corner afghan

And before I sign off, a reminder about the pattern giveaway on my blog which is open till Saturday 28th June.

On my telly: Homeland. What about you?

Thursday 5 June 2014

2nd Blog Anniversary and Pattern Giveaway

Hi friends, yes it is me, still alive and kicking crocheting, and posting after almost a month!!!

Last month, that is the month of May was supposed to be one of celebration, fanfare, pattern giveaway, free pattern tutorials, book tours and many more things that I had planned, as my blog turned Two! Yes, that's right my blog is now two years old. What I had not planned for, was the scorching, searing and debilitating heatwave that swept through Ahmedabad. With temperatures reaching 46oC, most afternoons I had headaches, nausea, dizziness and I dare say a couple of bouts of disorientation!! A check up has now revealed that my blood pressure is a bit on the higher side, so I have been prescribed pills for the same.....blah blah.

Finally when I gather all my senses and decide to write a very overdue post you will not guess what happened!!!!  My blog had disappeared...yup that's right it was just not seen. A frantic SOS to my brother (my one and only 24/7 tech support) and a few days later, things were in place again. What a relief!!

So, here I am writing my first post in my second year of blogging. A big Thank you to all my dear readers for sticking with me. Of course I wish you would comment more, just because I love to hear from you. Since very few people (read that as exactly three!!) around me actually crochet, my blog is a way to reach out and connect with kindred souls or crochet sisters. :)

To mark my blog anniversary, I have decided to giveaway TWO copies of my very first crochet pattern PDF - The Cluster Stitch Cuffed Infinity scarf. :) 
Also check out my last post.

Cowl pattern PDF

Here is what you have to do:
1) Become a follower of my blog.
2) "Like" my Crochetkari Facebook Fanpage.
3) Comment on this post below.

This giveaway will be open till  28 June 2014, so you have ample time. I will draw the two lucky names and inform you accordingly.

Here are a few more pics for you.

Cowl pattern PDF

Cowl pattern PDF
Cowl pattern PDF

Cowl pattern PDF

As you may have guessed I did not actually crochet all the infinity scarves above. I have added these pics just for fun, also you can get an idea of how it will look in different colors. Well, when Sonny boy is doing his Bachelors in VFX and Animation, Blogger Mom has to utilize it somewhere, right?

You can also get my pattern on Etsy and Craftsy.  :)

Hopefully I should manage all my unfulfilled blogging tasks of May, in June, ...fingers crossed  :)

Let me know what crafty adventures you are up to. I am working on a lovely blue baby blanket, as well as a delicate pastel shawl. But more about them in my next posts.
Take care and make time for craft  :)

Saturday 3 May 2014

My first PDF pattern...and my 100th post!

Finally reached the 100 mark...phew!!! Yes, this is my 100th post and it took me almost TWO years. That is bad,,,,very bad. Why? Well, during my school years if there was one remark I received unfailingly on my report card every year, year after year, it was "very talkative"!! And now to take two years to write 100 posts....pathetic!!

In real life too, I sometimes go yakkity yak, blah blah blah, but of late I feel I am becoming quieter. Maybe it has to do with the fact that after moving to Ahmedabad, I had nobody to talk to as hubby and sonny were busy with their respective work and I suppose I got used to sitting quietly and crocheting on my own. Or maybe age is catching up and I am finding solace in solitude. As far as blogging is concerned, you know how silly things like life, health and relatives can get in the way of important things like blogging, or Pinterest, Facebook, etc......LOL. Just joking  ;)

So, welcome to my 100th post. And now on to the next exciting thing.

My First crochet PDF pattern
Now if there is one thing for which I will remember the year 2013, it will have to be opening my own shop on Etsy. It took a bit of courage to jump in with both feet and decide to just do it and stop dilly dallying. Of course it did mean that I could no longer treat my crochet just as a hobby and had to get serious about treating it as a business. Which meant crocheting for the better part of the day, buying yarn in bulk and stashing it out of the way, taking care of packaging, shipping and other logistics. I did plan to eventually design and sell my own patterns, but for a start I was happy to just crochet and sell my items.

I have been crocheting for 25+ years now, and along the way I have designed some stuff, used stitch patterns from books to make bags and purses and modified patterns to suit available yarns and end purpose. But I never bothered to write anything down. And as I am suffering from OCD - Obsessive Crocheting Disorder I would crochet super fast as my main objective was to see how the final product would look. As a full time working mother staying in a joint family the only "ME" time I got was during the two hour commute to and fro from work. Most of the time I would be standing and crocheting in a crowded train and God forbid if I jostled my co passengers to get my pen out and make notes!!! If looks could kill I would certainly not be here writing this post.....haha.

Cluster stitch cuffed cowl

When I designed my Cluster Stitch Cuffed Infinity scarf, as usual I was eager to see the finished product, therefore no notes were written. Imagine my surprise when I received a message on Etsy whether I was willing to sell the pattern. I was thrilled but apprehensive at the same time. Writing a pattern in the proper format is very different from sharing it on your blog or explaining it to your friend. It took me a couple of days to complete writing the pattern and get it in PDF format. 

And you can now get my pattern on Etsy and Craftsy.  :)

The infinity scarf has an allover cluster pattern.

Crochet Cluster stitch cuffed cowl

A buttoned cuff adds visual interest. I have used two wooden buttons, but you can use any 2cm buttons.

Crochet Cluster stitch cuffed infinity scarf detail

The infinity scarf can be worn in different ways:

Crochet Cluster stitch cuffed infinity scarf

Crochet Cluster stitch cuffed infinity scarf

Join me in my next post as my blog completes two years and two lucky readers will get a free copy of this pattern.

I am working on a few more patterns and some of them will be free on my blog.

Have a great weekend.

Friday 2 May 2014

I got Twins!!!

A girl AND a boy!  Okay,okay...not the baby kind (sadly), but the crochet kind (YAY!!), which is almost the same. Don't you agree? Well, I just love my crochet babies. And there is pink and

Twin crochet mandalas

Made these two cute mandalas using some nice cool and pastel colours. These twin mandalas are "same but different" because I have used the same six colours and the same pattern for both. Just altering the colour sequence produces a different effect so that each one now has a different personality.

Check it out;

Crochet mandala plum

Crochet mandala blue

They are so pretty and cute. 

Twin crochet mandalas

You can get the pattern here.

Once again, I have used Laura knitting cotton and a 3.50mm hook.

Twin crochet mandalas

You can get these mandalas in my shop.

Tomorrow my bloggy friend Aishwarya is coming over with her daughter, to spend the night. Looking forward to lots of crafty chatting. See you soon with my next project.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Crochet Mandala - Rising Sun

Hello friends, I am back with another mandala today. Yesterday I showed you the Rainbow mandala, today I have a sunny mandala to share. So let us have a look at it first:

Rising sun crochet mandala

If you have been following my blog and you think this mandala looks familiar, then you are right. I have made this mandala earlier in "cool" colours.

Crochet mandala vibrant

This time I thought I will go for warm colours. Happy colours that will remind me of the rising sun you know, red, yellow, orange and green.

Rising sun crochet mandala

After the mandala was done I was not so sure about the colour palette and felt it looked "weird". What do you think? Does it look like an explosion of too many bright colours in one place?

But regardless of the colours, I love this pattern.

Rising sun crochet mandala detail

Especially the row which has two colours worked into it.

Rising sun mandala detail

So that is my Rising Sun mandala. 

If you would like to have a go at it, the pattern details can be found in my original Vibrant mandala post. It is definitely worth a try as it is a very happy design. I made the first mandala as part of a crochet-a-long and as you can see there were some really funky colour combinations. So go ahead and make it in your own favorite colours!

Crochet mandala free pattern

A few more pics before I sign off.

Rising sun crochet mandala

My serene Buddha always having to "model" my creations!!   :)

Rising sun crochet mandala

Once again I have used Laura knitting cotton and a 3.5mm hook. I hope you will try this pattern. And if you do make your own mandala, feel free to share your pictures on my Facebook page. I hope you are already a fan of my Facebook Crochetkari page, if not then don't forget to "Like" my page as I always reveal my latest projects there first, before I find time to blog about them. I find it a fast way to share my creations and then I add all the project details and pattern links in my blog post. If you have any questions about this pattern or crochet in general, write to me at

You can get this finished mandala in my shop.

So until the next time, Happy Crafting and have a great week ahead.

Monday 28 April 2014

Rainbow Mandala II

Hi friends! I hope you are having nice cold weather, or snow or whatever, but not summer because Ahmedabad is just blistering hot right now. Write to me about how you are snowed in with 'x' inches of snow and had to shovel your way out. Or how you got caught in a light shower of rain and how your kids are now jumping in the little puddles on the road. Because today it is a killing 45 deg C here in Ahmedabad, yup that's right it is 113 deg F here!! Combine that with the humidity of only 12% it is sheer torture. Wondering where that acrid smoky smell is coming from...oh that is just my brain getting fried!!! When I think about all the people out there because of their jobs, security guards, veggie vendors, construction workers, salespersons, bus drivers, traffic police and many more, I realize that I have very little to complain about.

So keeping all heat related woes aside let us move on to a more cheerful topic. Crochet...what else!! Thw sweltering weather made it difficult for me to work with acrylic yarn so I decided to switch to cotton. And what is the obvious choice of project for cotton? Mandalas....of course!

I decided to have a go at the Rainbow Mandala once again, as my previous one got sold in my Etsy shop. This time I had many more colors so the mandala turned out really beautiful and large too.

Soooo.....Ta Dah!!!

Crochet rainbow mandala

The yarn is Laura knitting cotton with a 3.50mm hook. The pattern details are in my previous rainbow mandala post. While this mandala has more colors I have also used a different edging this time, with shells instead of picots.

The bowl you see on the mandala is shaped like a peacock?...or swan?...or whatever was a Diwali gift and is supposed to be as a candy dish or nut bowl. I have mixed feelings about it, especially those huge "diamonds" at the edges.

Here are some more pics of the mandala:

Rainbow mandalal edging

Crochet rainbow mandala

Crochet rainbow mandala

Crochet rainbow mandala

Crochet rainbow mandala

Did you like this mandala? Do let me know.

I just love it so off I go to make another one right away. I love these round, circular, colorful, joyous, beauties. Also I need to do some serious stash busting as I am running out of space in my craft room.

Write to me and let me know what you are crafting and don't forget those stories about snow and rain!!!...hehe.

You can get this mandala in my Etsy shop.

My next mandala has a different pattern and I will be revealing it tomorrow, so until then Happy Crafting and Take Care.


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